
October 21, 2013

FPV Monitor Setup

When I start plying with multirotor, some it is really like getting myself into FPV (First Person View). To have a good gear for a great FPV experience one have to spend a lot which I'm not going to do (yet). So as usual I went with what I can get my hands on with minimal cost. I got my hands on a pair of VTx/VRx from a friend (thanx Jazzman) and a decent cam with a monitor (thanx Pelurusilver).
I've seen a lot of people using a tripod to place their monitor and VRx but as a lazy person i am,  i went with a simpler solution which I learn from my friends (thanx Syedkechik).

October 07, 2013

DIY Voltage Sensor For FrSky Telemetry

My DIY voltage sensor on board
Frsky radio system with telemetry enable receiver have an/a couple of analog voltage inputs (for remote voltage measurements). The ER9X Tx software allows the assignment of alarm thresholds to these analog inputs. When the voltage alarm condition occurs a beeper in the R/C Tx sounds off. To use the analog inputs the Rx needs a resistor based attenuator to scale the voltage. The voltage applied to the analog input must not exceed 3.3V, which is the sole purpose of the attenuator.
The attenuator is actually a voltage divider circuit which produce an output voltage that is a fraction of its input voltage. In our case when our flight pack is fully charge (12.6V), the max output of our sensor is 3.3V and getting lower proportionally to our flight pack voltage.