here i'll share some of my experience and experiment on doing thing in scratch build. you can call it tips n tricks what so ever. my point is just to share what i know. related to depron n coroplast build. you're welcome to share some as well ... just put it in comment area.
Coro Hinges.
Coro has it advantages when it come to hinges. two sided flute make a perfect hinges by removing one side of it.
tool - consist of 2 piece of blade glued to a piece of plywood with the same thickness of the coro flute.
theres several ways you could make a coro hinges. this is commonly used.
mark flute before removing it. and use metal ruler as guide. make sure u just remove one side of the flute.
Coroplast - CA glue (ei. gam gajah) - just sand the surface that u wanna put the glue on, put beads of ca on the surface (dont smear it). and put some weight will waiting for it to dry.
- hot glue can help as well.
depron - im using uhu por for my first depron build. but later on find out that hot glue is batter. but with some weight penalty. 3M 77 Super is good for laminating depron.
coro - i used marker pen and stickers to put some graphics on my coro as well to help orientation.
depron - i used this putty for filling gaps before coloring.
- plaka color helps if you wanna some color scheme on ur depron aircraft (as my gray scheme su-37, i just need black, white and yellow- black and white produse gray when mix). put a layer of clear spray on top afterward.
Push rod.
- no need for linkage stopper. put a drop of ca into heat shrink tube before heating it.
Control Horn.
- use of cable tie.
Nemo Coro Stabilizer.
- just make a tamplate out of ur nemo tail stab and cute coro accordingly. use coro hinges.
Wooden Ruler.
- a replacement for balsa. really light n cheap. i use it as spars for my sukhois elevator and ailerons for strength.
update 2/22/09:
motor mount - firewall.
i just cut a piece of aluminium square tube, poke some holes for the screws. use it on my corostick.
Wire Hangar
lots of use. i used it as pushrods on my corostick. need guide to avoid flexing, but it works.
motor stick mount
having trouble in finding a square wooden stick for ur stick mount motor? look at this. its just a nice light weight wooden stick for the job.
i used carbon rod, wire and heat shrink tube. make sure u put some CA in before shrinking the tube.
nemo batery bay
this way, no more battery drop in mid air. if u once lost ur batery bay door, just change it with corroplast.
Nemo Cowling
Lost ur cowling or demage it. Just cut it from a foam.
update 2/24/09
Linkage Stopper
electric wire connector (thats what i call it), seems to be a great replacement for a stopper.
update 4/29/09
TX Stand
I always knew my wife wire hangar is very useful for my hobby. (click to enlarge)
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