August 22, 2011
Polaris Seaplane Parkflyer by Steve Schumate (jetset44-RCGroups)
August 16, 2011
Footy - DIY 12" RC Sailboat
On the first day @ Taman Tasik Ampang Hilir, a fellow member had given me the chance to try his rc sailboat which is according to him had been stuck in his store room for a decade. Somehow the skills needed to sail it cant be take lightly. It is challenging working with the nature to make the boat move in a controlled manner. Then it occurs to me there must be a way to build one for myself. I search the net and found a sail boat class called Footy that can be scratchbuild from a 3mm depron.
August 07, 2011
Boogee (Simple DIY Airboat)
August 02, 2011
Taman Tasik Ampang Hilir, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
First of all i would like to wish happy fasting to all muslims as we are now in ramadhan fasting month. May Allah bless all of you out there. Its been a while since i made a post here. Now im back with new video on rc activities near me. Its a new site which has been approved by the local authority (DBKL) to be use as a place for water rc activities. This includes the use of rc boats and airplane. All thanks to our fellow rcier Mr. PeluruSilver for his effort.
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